Saturday, October 3, 2009

Welcome to my rut!

"Creativity is a fickle beast," in the words of a past studio mate. Although fickle seems a bit too kind, perhaps the "M"ind "Fucked" of the MFA experience better encapsulates it. Creat-fuckin-tivity! (And I hate italics!)

So I'm in a studio rut. Hell, I can't even get myself to the studio to be in a studio rut, so I'm in a rut's rut. The real kicker is that my creativity is thriving in the fact that I'm manifesting excuses that keep me from making--excuses that are so creative, it's uncanny. Why can't I use this energy for work instead? Or is this all part of the process? Can my copious notes on projects and series count?

Although, I'm rationalizing that this is all part of the creative process, my creative process-- my frustration is relentless. So, I decided to share my trials, tribulations, and creative excuses. Hopefully, my honesty will allow me to "begin" and if you're stumbling into a rut's rut, we can commiserate and "begin!"